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Monday, October 29, 2012

i'm surrounded by studs

Leaves and pumpkins

Sorry uncreative title, we've been busy and I need to get these pictures uploaded.
I'm going to post it so that means the good times will stop rolling....but with the acception of #2 I'm calling Connor potty trained! It's been a good week of no accidents and him always telling us not the other way around. Yay! Can't believe last year at this time I thought I could do "potty training camp" and get him to do it.
Here is the big 3 year old with his #3 Mama made for his birthday party. The second picture is of him scooping out the pumpkin seeds. He was amazed at how many there were and we were surprised that he wasn't into the goo. The next day he had a mini melt down that we threw them away and didn't save them. Oops, we didn't get that memo.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Niederman Family Farms

Kept up the family tradition and went to Nierderman Farms again this year for pumpkins.

Cousins Lindsey & Dan made the trip down from Columbus to share in the Fall Festivities with us. Thanks for coming down and caring the camera, pumpkins and kids around the farm!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Stats 3 year check up

Ryan & Connor had a Dr. Appt this Wednesday. It was for Connor's 3 year check up but turned into a sick visit/well visit as Ray & I both had Strep throat and we wanted the kids tested to make sure we were not in for a horrible week. Both kids are happy and healthy. Ryan is up to pounds to 23lbs and they said his tubes look great still!

The pediatrician was asking me all these questions about Connor to make sure he was hitting milestones. They were so basic and he was so beyond all of them I kept asking her "wait are we talking about Ryan or Connor". I might have been delerious from the medicine, sickness and having two kids in a 10x10 room for 1 hr but we made it through it.
Weight: 30 pounds, 36 inches tall
Yes Connor knows atleast 3 colors (he knows like 10)
Yes Connor can count to 3 (on a good day he can count to eleven-teen)
Yes Connor can say 3 word sentences (I can get him to stop talking so mommy can talk)
Pedeling a tricycle is the only one I would say he has perfected in his age category.

1 little pumpkin

Adorable! I only wish this little guy had had some siblings. I have big plans for next year of how to have greater success. I 100% recommend planting your own if you have toddlers. So neat to see Connor's reacation to this little guy as it grew and changed color.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Family Photo Session

Last year I thought the kids were at a bad age to do family pictures. This year Connor was HORRIBLE but Nikki James is amazing so we got a few we can get printed for the wall.
My baby is getting big
After last year us getting zero by ourselves, one of us is a big step in the right direction
Hi Cutie!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Crafty Jill

Isn't that what you call me? Um yea, so I just bought my first glue gun and am on a mission to be more crafty-ish. For Connor's birthday I made his cupcake toppers and a number 3 for the wall.
 To make the cupcake toppers I took some $.99 Toy Story stickers, cut a piece of card stock with fancy scissors, put a tooth pick in between and the matching sticker on the back.

Saw this cute and easy idea on Pinterest. Cut out your number with cardboard. Take coffee filters and glue them onto the board. Then take spray paint and fade it onto the number.

THE birthday party

Got a bounce house, the sun came out and we had a great day with all the people we love (wish you could have been there Mimi & Popi)!

 At the end of the day we had two worn out boys who watched "Bolt" on top of Connors new Spiderman Sleeping Bag.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Big Boy!

It's weird how time works. Three years has come in gone in the blink of an eye yet I don't remember my life before Connor Raymond came out. I was in labor for like 36 hours and Dr. Allen had to go in after him and the poor little 6lbs 2oz guy had bruises and blood all over his head. I remember that, the house he first lived in, sitting him in the bumbo chair, going on walks with him while on materntiy leave. Crying after taking him to daycare for the first time. Helping him "sit". Uncle Travis teaching him to walk, him sitting on the stairs with Ray and I saying his first few words. His second Christmas. So so so many memories. The things he says now crack Ray and I up and we are constantly saying "how does he know that, or where did he learn that from". He is all boy and he is my boy. I was upset the other night because I was telling Ray we only have 15 more years with him then he will be gone. GONE, forever. Once he is off to college he won't look back and he won't want to rock in the chairs with me on the front porch, or sit in my lap for a story, or let me brush his teeth or teach him his letters while he plays in the bath. He certainly won't let me sing silly songs in the car to him or be my shopping buddy at the grocery store. He is my little man helper and I love him so much and wish I could keep him this way forever. Love you Connor Raymond! XOXOXOXOXO Mommy~

Monday, October 1, 2012