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Sunday, October 30, 2011

back to reality

I've been sick the last few days which in a way was a good thing, I haven't left the house since Wednesday and I just got to lay low and look at my beautiful boys. Now back to my 8-5 and!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

new seating

Ryan doesn't like sitting in the Bumbo chair...but check out the couch behind him...just got it today for the basement!
The other pic is of Connor sitting in the Bumbo showing off "puppy" and tape measure.

Monday, October 24, 2011

last week

Sadly this is my last week of maternity leave. I thought I would be beyond ready to go back by now but I'm NOT! Connor in the last week has become this super sweet big brother and helper. Just today he was laying under this infant mobile thing with Ryan and just talking to him.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Connor likes cheese and pushing the pumpkins off the porch and breaking the stem over and over again.
Ryan was baptised this morning at church, he was a good boy awake through the whole thing and just stayed his usual calm self.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Nikki James Photography

I was so nervous, anxious and about one hundered other emotions about getting family pictures. Ray was skeptical because we have a nice camera and I love taking pictures. As soon as we left our session with Nikki we were both NJP fans! Then 4 days later when I got an email with 39 beautiful pictures Ray was sold on every year getting Nikki to take a Moorman family picture. Enjoy!
If you live in the Cincinnati/Dayton area check out her website


Ray & I are over the moon excitted...we are going to have a niece! Kerry & Chris just found out the great news that the baby looks healthy and the due date looks acurrate. Can't wait to buy dresses and pink!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

toys toys and more toys

Everyday seems to be Christmas or Birthday for Connor as friends have been outpooring with kindness to Connor. He is now very aware of "presents" and happy birthday to you is his favorite thing to sing. Here are a few pics of some of his new things.

1 year later

A year to the day Will came to visit us (and mom Julie & Dad Joe). It is so neat to see how similar and different boys who are one day apart in age are. I hope this becomes a yearly tradition. Julie is the prettiest pregnant lady I have ever seen...can't wait to hear of baby girl Doman's arrival in January 2012!

*look how much the boys have grown since last October 13th! Crazyness.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Connor says "scary" at all things Halloween these is pretty funny. If he had seen this real life spider that I found on the deck I think he would have cried. Yuck!

Ryan: 2 months old

He smiles when I get down in his face, I'm in love!

Status Updates

Both boys had doctor's appointments today; surprisingly it was very easy!
Connor is still in the 25th percentile for weight and height (26lbs, 33 inches) Ryan is the 75% (12 lbs, 23 inches). College roomate Julie drives in tomorrow can't wait to see her, the baby bump and Connor's much older friend (birthday 1 day before Connor's) Will.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Columbus Day

Ray and I took the boys to the zoo in the morning and had family pictures that evening. What fun memories we are making as a family.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm 2!

Well I'm not, but Connor is (2)! Happy Birthday to my big helper :)
It's strange but as soon as Ryan was born Connor seemed so much older to both me and Ray. Look at him playing with his new toys, wayyyy too busy playing to actually pay attention to Ryan who is on his lap.
Being 2 Connor can understand 95% of what we ask him and can say 95% of the words we ask him. This brings me to my point: Ray and I need to watch what we say in front of him!

8 weeks

Today my baby is 8 weeks old. The last two nights he has slept 9pm until 4 am! I love the newborn baby stage and it makes me sad to think this is our last baby. I'm trying to convince Ray for a 3rd and 4th baby but don't think it is going to happen.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Connor!

This weekend we celebrated Connor's 2nd Birthday. With the arrival of Ryan Connor has received a few "PRESENTS!" so he definatly had the hang of opening up shiny boxes no problem. So glad neighbor's Sam & Abby as well as cousin Isabella could be there to celebrate the day with us!