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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Living Room

3 years later- I finally hung something on the wall and brought it a pop of color.

Now I just need to get candles to put on the wall art thingy. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Big Boy Bed

Being our "baby" we let Ryan stay in a crib waaay longer than we did with Connor but that really is our last "baby" thing to go. Sad.Tear. (how can I convince Ray we need to adopt??)

He loved his big boy bed last night. He did get out once around midnight and came into our room but Ray just scooped him up and put him back in his bed and not a peep.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Summer= Water Fun

Connor still can not STAND to get his face wet so the neighborhood pool and swim lessons have been an epic fail, but the plastic blue pool in the front yard, water table and sprinkler continue keep Thing 1 & Thing 2 (we are watching a LOT of Cat in the hat around here) occupied this summer.

They thought they were done, I took of their shorts, then they decided they were not done as they ran around the front yard in undies and a diaper. Ray was mortified, I was too tired to care.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Heaven on earth

Iowa is our happy place.....uncle Dave pulled through with a few pics of our week long adventure. 

Monday, August 12, 2013


Met Kristie and her four at the Montoe Outlets. I decides to not bring my two....wanted to get some shopping in. Her four ate so well behaved....but her changing 3 out of four in the family bathroom had me second doubting my thoughts of adoption one day. Ray & I already feel out numbered.
I had the 3 girls pose!
Then the bottom picture is big girl Maddie playing photographer for the Mommies!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Let the force be with you..

Umm yea, so I've picked up a few bad blog habits.
Never take my nice camera anywhere...
1. I don't want it to get broker and
2. I always have my cell phone on me

When I do update the blog it is with low quality cell phone pictures
I didn't take my camera on vacation with us this year. CRAZY. What was I thinking? I have no pictures to show of the fun-nest week of the year? Uncle Dave, send me something!

So anyways as I'm sure any of you out there know there are clearly indoor toys and outdoor toys. Indoor toys are the things you and your child love, adore, cherish. Outdoor toys are things that are sturdy and can get dirty, wet and dropped. Well this week Ray let Connor take not one, not two but FOUR light savers outside. Yes you read that correctly we own 4 light savers. The kids loved it and the neighbors went and got their own, I guess we aren't the only nerd balls on Court.

I finally complained enough that they were going to get broken that Ray corralled them up and took them inside but it made for some cute moments/pictures.