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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Is Over

That's what Connor kept telling everyone as I was taking the decorations off the Christmas tree. Yes Connor yes it is. I loved the Christmas songs on the radio, the Family Christmas cards that filled our refrigerator seeing family and getting help with the boys and most of all seeing how excitted the boys were when they opened another present.
Making cookies
Ryan didn't want to sit down for the Christma pic
First look at presents under the tree
First snow of the year, perfect for snowmen making

The Grand Parents came to celebrate the birth of Jesus with us!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

We're Ready

For Christmas that is. Suppose to snow an inch tonight, know that our Iowa relatives and Colorado friends have a lot of it, we shall find out when we wake if it is a white Christmas (week).

On Sunday we took the boys to Niederman Farms (where we get our Pumpkins each year) for a beautiful tribute that the Niederman Family has made to the bible. You walk around a mile square with differt holiday lights and bible passages. Then at the end you go into a big barn for free cookies, hot coco and a live band. Very festive!

Heather told Connor it is going to snow and he is very excitted. He said "Heather said we can eat the snow". We told him about sleds and got the one we bought last year out and rode around in the basement.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Twas the Night Before Christmas

I know it's not the 24th you Silly Billy...I'm talking about the story. My Grandma, the Boys Great Grandma found THEE Cutest Bear that moves around and sings the song and the boys press the botton over and over and over again. Glo's hope is that they can sing the whole song to her on the phone on Christmas but I don't think they view the bear so much as singing a song but more as a performance.
Also I'd like to make a complaint, in our version of Twas The Night Before Christmas one page has Santa smoking a pipe. Connor always ask me what it is, I always say I don't know. Tonight I over heard Connor asking Ray, "what's that" and he responded, "I think a candy cane" glad to know I'm not the only liar over here.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Ryan Ear Tubes

Ryan had his 4 month follow up at Childrens Hospital for his ear tubes. After the horrific news today of the CT shooting I want to take a second to share some stranger goodness. These two adorable girls let Ryan touch their books, eat their chips and talk to them as they too waiting to see the doctor. Thank you to that Mom for being understanding of a 16 month's lack of personal space knowledge.
The tubes look great, thanks Doc.

Last night I took the boys shopping for a few last minute Christmas presents and a I was popping a wheely over the curb with the stroller while holding Connor and the front wheel rolled away. A stranger ran right over without pausing, reattached the wheel and gave a smile and kind word. Then another stranger grabbed the heavy entrance doors to the store and remarked about remember how hard it was with kids and no door holder...I think the Christmas Spirit was with me this week. Thank you Lord God for the kidness of some strangers. I don't know how the Holy Spirit can comfort those CT familes but I hope he can.

This is a shot of Ryan touching the girls book while she is trying to do her homework.

What a week

Ray is traveling more and more these days. This week while I was a single parent Connor was throwing a fit and while doing so peed his pants. That night he peed his bed, then he peed his bed again last night. While I was upstairs changing the sheets this is what Thing 1 and Thing 2 got into. They threw an open yogurt out of the fridge which went ALL over everything, so that was fun.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Right when Ryan was born I bought a tri-pod in hopes of taking more timer shots of the whole family. Well we took like 5 shots right before my work Christmas party. Ray was the smart one that said we better look at them before we go....umm yea I didn't angle the tripod high enought. Then the kids were over it and so were we.
 This fake tree actually looks pretty good.
 would have been so cute....where is ray's head?
changed the settings and it whited us out too much...grrrr