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Sunday, November 28, 2010


We spend Thanksgiving in Cleveland with Ray's family. Picture of Connor with Aunt Kerry & Uncle Chris (Chris' first chance at meeting him).
Friday night Ray & I went to the Westlake 10 year High School reunion and Pat babysat.

Friday, November 19, 2010

pop pop

Connor loves sitting on our laps, he's sitting on my lap right now (helping me type).
In these pictures yet another new pair of pj's.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

13 months

More busy days in the life of Connor, climbing stairs, vacuuming and hanging out with a construction worker.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

apples and jammies

Connor was home with me today and I made him cooked apples...yum! Ray had a guy come over and water proof the basement...step 1 of 30 to get the basement finished. Then tonight we put Connor in another pair of jammies...I think he's up to 8 pairs, they are just so cute we can't stop buying them.

The Entertainer

We were starting to think Connor would never be able to do these things. Now that we have a 13 month old if you catch him in the right mood he can say "Mama, Dada, no no no, uh oh, bye bye". He can give a high five, wave bye and according to day care will blow kisses.
*This is a new video, I had the wrong one of him up loaded on here...he wasn't doing anything in the last video, ha!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Where is Connor?

Hanging out in his favorite place, the kitchen cabinet.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


My mom is funny!

Mom & Dad aren't sure if I have the chicken pox or not so they let me skip daycare 2 days this week and wear pj's all day!