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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas 2018

This year my parents flew in, just in time to see Ryan's Christmas school performance.
 Ryan with best friend Daxton
 Ryan's Class- 1st Grade- Mrs Rutkowski

 Ryan working on his PINE WOOD DERBY car with Grandpa

Hot Tub

Every night in the winter cold months I take a hot bath to warm myself up. This year for Christmas Ray spoiled myself and the boys big time and got us an 8 person, 400 gallon hot tub.
We had to have a 13x13 ft stamped concrete patio poured to hold the beast.

White Elephant- 3rd Annual

We decided this year to make a whole MEAL. I was insane, I think I made 14 dishes the day of. Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, home made mac n cheese, artichoke dips, cranberry dips, meatballs, shrimp, rolls, desserts, it was way too much for the day of a party. Everyone came (15 couples), everyone had a good time, every one left with garbage. Next year we will need to somehow make sure the "good gifts" are actually good, hmmm. 


The boys have been doing boy scouts this year. It is more of a commitment then we expected so we are thinking this is a one and done year experience. In November we did get to go to a cool adventure place and the boys got to shoot bee bee guns, bow and arrows and climb a rock wall. 
For thanksgiving we ventured north to Steamboat, our first time making it their. We went to Mike & Casey and skied two days. Cool town, good skiing and Connor and I got to ride a two man outdoor roller coaster in the snow.