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Thursday, July 26, 2018


Introducing the next Moorman recruit, Tahoe. Tahoe was born May 30th, he is 8 weeks old. So here is his story so far:
About a year ago we decided Boji was getting old and wanted to get a puppy so she could teach it the ropes and make our jobs hopefully easier. We stared researching what we wanted and Ray talked me into the "bigger is better" mentality. When he travels and the house creeks at night I want to feel safe. So we decided a big doodle was for us. We didn't want a labradoodle or golden doodle because everyone we know has those. We love the temperament of a sheep dog, then found a local breeder of Sheep-doodles and that was that. Through out the wait we basically were 50/50 that the whole thing was a scam and that our deposit was feeding someone's meth addiction. Then 3 weeks ago out of the blue we got a call that puppies were here, their was one left that no one had claimed and we should drive over to Castle Rock and come meet the remaining pup.

The next night we fell in love with Tahoe. He was the first of the 6 born to Sheepdog Mom, Chanel. 4 boys, 2 girls. His siblings are; Willie, Luna, Pocky, Bruno and Wallace.

 I had the boys take Tahoe across the street so he could meet his sister in a "neutral area"
Tahoe literally slept the whole car ride home. Breeder Penny gave us this blue blanket that was his Mom's so he could smell her.
I read 6 puppy books to prepare us. They all say go 1-2 hours and then take them outside to pee. Um yeah, I have my phone going off in 20 minute increments to take him out. While Penny (breeder) was giving us the low down on all things sheedadoodle (took an hour) I saw him pee on her carpet 3 times (Wide eyed emoji face). We are not doing that.

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