"I think it's just easy for a down in the trenches, all hands on deck lifestyle now as apposed to just standing on the sidelines and wonder what is going on. So I have done that. Here's what's going on. This precious family of mine is a gift. A big fat giant gift and I love all the people and schnoodle in it more than anything. Anything. And I am sooooo grateful to
Okay. not sure if I am making sense. All I am saying is this stay at home with a ton of kids thing is amazing. And hard. And beautiful. And hard. And totally fulfilling. And especially hard. But mostly amazing. I realize that I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. In the exact moment I am supposed to be in. Raising the babies God has given us. It's not glamorous. Days of Ann Taylor suits and amazing hair and nails are gone. And I think I like it that way. But sometimes I lose my mind and want to run away. This has to be normal?
And to
Ok this is me, Jill; So I went through the wait, should I be working thing? What money am I contributing to the house thing. So I went on craigslist found a job for 10 hours a week. $25 an hour to get this, build lego's with kids. Umm yea, I am clearly qualified. So I got an email an hour after I applied, a phone call the next day and I interviewed yesterday. Got home and decided to pass. It would have been 3:15-5, kind of like a latch-key after school program at our local elementary school. When I got home yesterday from the interview and picked up Ryan from the sweet neighbor who watched him and then ran and got Connor and we got home from preschool it was 2:30. So I'm going to have 30 minutes with Connor before I pay someone to watch him so I can go play with someone else's kids? Yea to much running around and not enough Connor time.
I'm glad I did the interview, no what if's and now I know I really do want to be home with these nuts-oh kids and I really do love being a stay at home Mom.
PS: in the interview I actually had to build a helicopter using the instruction book. Was that suppose to be hard because I could have done that, tied my shoes and put make up on.
Peace Out,
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