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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kristie's Krew

Met up again with my great college friend Kristie and her 4 under 4. Always say it to her and about here...don't know how she does it. and works. She said she is not looking forward to to more mouths to start talking and demanding/telling her what they want. The twins are one week older than Ryan.
We got one picture of 5 out of 6 of them. Pretty good!

Friday, September 21, 2012

My whole family

Connor loves to talk about "My whole family". "Let's go to the park, Mommy, Daddy, Ryan, Boji....My whole family"!
Here are the Potato Head Family. He made each one of us, his whole family.

Honey Bear

No that is not my term of enderment for my husband but is the name of Connor's Preschool class. Yes I said preschool. He is in a one day a week 2-3 year old preschool class. I glanced at a teacher paper real quick and think I saw that Connor is the oldest.  After two weeks he is in LOVE with Mrs. V (as am I). She wrote me the cutest email about how in love she is with Connor.

Today was Ryan and Connor's last day of daycare. From here on out they will be at home. Nope, not at SAHM here. Heather (Cynthia's sister) is going to be watching them. This lady has energy of a non sleep deprived mom who has drank 5 hour energies all day. Very excited for her love, support and teaching that she is going to provide to the boys. Also very excited for less sickness!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Up Close

 Just two cute pics from this weekend. Why do kids like these "cheeries" from trees?
When Ryan was born we didn't think he looked at all like Connor. Um yea, now they look like twins.

Grandma Pat in the house

Ray has been traveling A Pat came to help me out and the boys loved it!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Lakota Football Game

We lasted 30 minutes, the kids liked it and were not ready to go but they just can't sit in one spot very long so we were ready to go after telling them to sit down for the 200x time.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I keep thinking in my head; "Since when did I become a Mom of a ONE AND TWO year old? Crazyness!
I can't really ever get them (Ryan) to sit still long enough to take a picture of them both. I caught them Wednesday both on the stairs and grabbed my phone.
On Wednesday Ryan heard me open up the dishwasher (one of his favorite things to play on) and came running. He ran a little too fast and fell right into the corner of the dishwasher with his eye. He probably just wanted to look like his big brother. Ray said he was getting stares from the furniture delivery guys with two little boys with black eye's LOL.


Originally I got the "shark sheets" & gingham bedding for when Ryan got a big boy bed but after a recent trip to Lake Lorali for the Reubusch's and Connor slept in bunk beds and loved it I had a change of heart.

Also Ryan's bed converts into a full and the sheets I got were for a twin.
Today the delivery truck brought Connor's new bunk bed, and two dressers. I painted his green room to brown and hung the new shark art work.

I still have to put his name letters back up and buy another twin mattress but we are about 70% there.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Connor's open house for Pre-school is this week and next week 2-3 yr old preschool starts. Here are some things he has said recently that crack me up;

today I tried to go to a store that wasn't open yet. On the car ride home;
C: "Mom you don't have your keys" M: "huh, I'm driving the car with the keys" C: "No Mom, the key to unlock the store" ohhhhh, so smart

(at daycare during Chinese class) Teacher: "kids to say hello you say, Ohio" C: "Noooo, Ohio is our State!"

C: "Mom, Ryan is crying but I didn't push him" he actually didn't which is unusual because usually he does and that is why he is normally crying

He got this brusier while at Daycare on Friday...

Good Mom vs Crazy

There is such a fine line between being a good Mom and being a crazy Mom and I find it harder than I thought to stay on the good side. I find that I never eat, shop for myself or have hobbies that are non-child related. Where did I go? I wake when I hear a child restle awake and I fall asleep planning their clothes for the next day and organizing play dates in my head. It is hard to explain to a non Mom but we are currently living in Crazytown population 4.

The mornings at our house are more than hectic.
6:45 to 7:20 entails the following;
Ryan wakes and diaper is changed
Ryan is taken down stairs and fed
Boji is let out and teeth brushing and bill paying is usually going on

7:00 must wake up Connor, he doesn't want up
7:10 wake up Connor round 2. Get Connor to sit on the potty then change pull-up.
Connor fights whatever I have picked out for him to wear to school, sweating begins

Clean breakfast out of Ryans hair get Ryan dressed.
Search for two pairs of socks and shoes.
Prepare a snack/breakfast for Connor becuase we are running late and he will have to eat in the car.
Get kids out to the car, buckeled in only to find out that Connor needs a sippy cup or I can't find Ryan's pacifier. More sweating.
10 minutes later get them both out of the car, (usually caring both) grab Ryan's shoes and socks out of the car that he has taken off on the car ride there grab the breakfast and walk into daycare.
Why am I tired all the time...hmmmm.
The part that is really hard to understand until after you have had a child is this: I would do it all over again tomorrow. I love my kids and even when rotten they pull on my heart strings and I drive myself boarderline crazy for them because I am totally 100% in love with them!

Friday Ryan was happy and Connor was still sleeping so I snuck in a before daycare/work picture.