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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Time to Ferberize

Wish us luck tonight as my perfect child Ryan the last 2-3 weeks has been getting up twice a night for some chow down time.
People who haven't read Dr. Ferber's book often think he's mean for his "cry it out" technique but in the preface of the book he even says, "Simply leaving a child in a crib to cry for long periods alone until he falls sleep, no matter how long it takes, is not an approach I approve of. On the contrary, many of the approaches I recommend are designed specifically to avoid unnecessary crying."

Put your child to bed in his crib awake. When your child starts to cry or calls for you whether it be right when you put him to bed or some other time during the night, allow him to cry for gradually longer periods of time starting at the minimum waiting time for the night with each new awakening.

Three to five minutes is a good starting point but if you can't handle that you can start with something as short as 1 minute. The key is to progressively increase the time between visits up to a desired max amount of time each night as shown in the chart.

WISH US LUCK! Mommy is ready to sleep again.

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