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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Connor's 8th Birthday Party

Although I am suffering through my tonsillectomy I decided that we should have Connor's party this weekend. My thought was this; one Grandma and Grandpa have never lived in the same state as us and as a result never get to be here for big moments like birthday parties and first days of school (now this year they can say they were in attendance for both). Secondly if I wasn't feeling good I knew all my amazing friends would understand and instead of a big fun adult party would fling their kids out of a mostly stopped car and instead of hanging with us for a night of drinking and fun would instead have a quick happy hour date while we (and by we I mean the game truck) entertained their child.

This year we let Connor make the list of who he wanted to invite. He probably could have fit 25 kids in the game truck but he asked his 10 best friends to come. It was awesome, it was in Connor's words, A PERFECT DAY!

There were two girls invited, one was sick and the other got stung by a bee and had to leave before the pictures were taken.

 I only wish I had felt better so I could have kicked Grandpa's Butt at Mario Kart


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Fun Run

It was a beautiful day for the boys to run their school fundraiser fun run!

                                          Connor & Emma
                                         Connor & Lilah
                                         Mrs. Christensen's 2nd Grade Class. That is Connor in the front with the Trooper mask on.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Update Stair Rail Ballisters

Another example of less birch in our lives. We love the Colorado feel but these poor 90 ballisters were beat up and we were ready to see them go.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


It is so true what they say about "you blink and they are all grown up". I was talking to a first time school-ager Mom this morning and she was talking about how she is going to blink and her 3 year old is going to be in kindergarten. I still feel like Connor is in Kindergarten, it is just crazy how fast time is going by. Ray and I look at Ryan every day and see his toddler/baby/preschool face disappearing and him morphing into Connor. Yesterday I knew Ryan was in the shower but had to do a double take when I grabbed him towel as I could have sworn it was Connor stepping out.

 Soccer is back in full swing, Connor had his first tournament this season
 Ryan was given a sunflower seedling at the end of preschool and here it is, 7 feet tall
Back to school Movie night, we almost didn't go, but these are the memories I love and need to remember are important to us as a family
 One more piece of gold gone from this house
Hello 2017
Ryan got some new ski's. We might have accidentally left his last pair in the parking lot at Keystone last year. Oops. He has grown so much anyways he probably needed new ones.