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Monday, October 17, 2016

Fall Break

When you start school August 9th, yes you have already had fall break. We learned last year (as rookies) that when school is off for more than a week it means GET OUT OF TOWN! So we flew to Ohio. Last time we were there was last May so we were 17 months over due AND we needed to met the new kid on the block aka new nephew Jordan (Kerry's youngest).

We started the trip off with Kings Island with Heather, Izzy Travis & Cynthia. Connor hit the 48" mark so he was eligible to ride all the coasters- we rode 4 I believe, he LOVED them. We would have done more but the other 2 were not tall enough and the lines were long.

Next we drove to Columbus to see Emma Clare and Jordan. EC always calls the boys Connor Ryan, and Kerry and I aren't sure that she realizes there are 2 boys not one so I think she was out of sorts with the whole drive and adventure of the pumpkin patch but I loved holding sweet Jordan, catching up with Cousin Lindsay about her 2017 wedding and taking in the beautiful fall day.

We ended the Ohio trip with a visit to our alma mater, Miami. Connor loved all the Pokeman he found on campus and I loved the MU gear and food! We also got to stop in and see Liz & BJ (Charley & Oliver) and the Carters & the hood.

Good trip! Never long enough or enough time to see everyone but still great.

Ray was suppose to head back from Ohio with us but got called into a meeting in Ohio so I flew home with the boys by myself. Only one set of tears at the airport (that was from me), boys weren't helping me with all the lounge and carseats.

Upon arrive back in DEN Mimi (my Mom) met us at the airport. She stayed 5 days. We did pumpkin patches, arts and crafts, home made dinners and lots of organizing and cleaning. I so appreciate the mental break of single parenting when Ray is away. Thanks Mom for the help!

 Did I mention Ryan spent the day before our trip at Childrens? He was having a bad go with Croup? Yes that is me shooting myself in the head. "Ain't no body got time for that"
 I think Trav enjoyed the amusement rides as much as Connor
 How is this the only picture I got of love birds Connor and Isabella?
 Jordan sporting his new hat knit by Cynthia
 Pats kids and grandkids, minus Emma Clare
Too bad we don't know any 7 year old boys, oh wait.

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