I WISH that I could flood the blog with pictures of baby girl. That is one of the top five hard parts of foster care for me. She is so cute and I just want everyone to see that. Especially with COVID being a thing her whole life none of Ray's family has met her in person and most of my friends even here in Parker haven't met her. Who doesn't want to show off the cutest peanut on this side of the Mississippi?
The boys are still in school which is about 10 weeks longer than I thought the would make it. So thankful to their amazing school and all they are doing to make school a wonderful, happy, safe place for the boys.
With Thanksgiving so close and with COVID so constant their is a lot of down time with my thoughts. I am thankful for a lot. I'm thankful for our house that has so much room for us to all escape to our own comfy spot and being away and together all at once. I'm thankful for our neighborhood and greater Denver community. It is truly insane how connected we are to this town. Any time Ray goes on a run or me to the grocery the first question is; who did you see when you were out? I'm thankful for this baby. She is a distraction from the pandemic. She gives us all a lot of joy, smiles, laughs and entertainment. I'm thankful for the boys. I couldn't do life without them. They are SOO good. They know our expectations and so rarely disappointed it's insane to Ray and I. They are each others best friend and don't ever ask for anyone to come over (which is good because we haven't allowed anyone into our house in months). I'm most thankful for Ray. He has been home working everyday in the basement and never complains, always helps, always jokes and always wants better for me. None of this life would be what it is if we didn't have our faith in God. Life is good.
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Love, us
Sometimes Facebook is really cool. The lady in the grey sweatshirt I hadn't seen since 1998. She was in town for her husbands work and messaged me and asked if I wanted to get together. Heck yeah. Cross Country at SHS wasn't even talked about all that much but we picked up right where we left off.
In third grade the big social studies topic is the Roman Empire. They did a smaller unit on Roman Gods. This is, Mars God of War.
The double Boppy. This trick is new to me and baby girl loves her double Boppy.
Someone is 4 months old. She has her first tooth and we can't tell if that is causing the fussy times or if it is that she startles herself awake all the time so doesn't often get a nice long nap in. Love you little girl. She goes to the dr on Monday but our guess is close to 11 lbs. She can roll over both ways, but doesn't do it often. She just today found her thumb (something we have been working on for months). She LOVES to coo at us using the "ahhhh" sound most often. She eats every four hours a 5 oz bottle. She gets up 2 times a night but has slept through the night three times in a row but then never again. She can't sit but if we put her in a seated position can hold if for 1-5 seconds before tumbling over to a side.