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Sunday, January 29, 2012

5 months

Look at Connor at Ryan's age now. Love those monkey slippers...they never stay on Ryan.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Guest Update

Since Jill is sick I am filling in on this blog update. I have been taking care of the boys while Jill gets over Strep Throat. As Jill reminds me, this is payback for when I travel on business. This is a picture of how Connor insists on taking all his naps. He likes to sleep between his door and the gate we use to keep him in his room. It is a pretty cool little space, but it also means we can't go upstairs during naptime.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

oh noooooo!

Connor took a nap today with his library book. The book didn't make it. It's funny how I am mortified/embarrassed to tell the library what happened to "what's up duck?" but I'm not mortified/embarrassed to put it on the blog.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

brotherly love

I was stripping the bed sheets and ran down stairs to start the laundry, ran back up and was expecting Connor to be sitting on Ryan's head and this is what I found. Adorable.

Big boys

I was going to post this picture of Ryan in the high chair and talk about how he is eating baby food now (likes sweet potoatos was not thrilled with sweet peas) but I think Connor has stolen the cute is this picture of him "weighing in"?


Ray was traveling the first part of the week and brought back "presents" for the boys. How cute will these be this summer on their bikes?

House updates

When my parents were in town they helped make curtains for the spare bedroom. I know actually like the guest bedroom. Also this winter was the first time we have had a fire in the fireplace.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Hard to tell they are 22 months apart.


In person it is a lot more funny. Connor shakes his whole body.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Connor Raymond

If you have an 18-24 month old, I feel for you. They are tough cookies at that age...don't want their diaper changed, very opinionated, "mine" is the key word etc. Once Ryan arrived Connor turned a corner and 90% of the time is a sweet heart. The new struggles for Connor are
1. He doesn't want to wear pants ever. In the morning it is a full out fight to get him to take his pj's off and then to put pants on before daycare
2. To go to bed. "one more" (book) is his key phrase right now after we have read 5 books and sang a song. THIS MUST END!
3. He won't sit in his high chair for dinner but insists on STANDING at a normal chair. He mostly is fine but on more than one occasion has fallen off the chair head first onto the tile floor.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ryan 5 months

My baby is growing before our eyes! He is 5 months old today. He continues to be such a joy. I read on another blog I follow about a mom who is happy with the "boring" things of life. I have to agree. Playing with the boys in the basement, watching Ray and Connor wrestle, Ryan bounce, doing puzzles, bathtime and reading before bed our the highlights or our day. Ryan is doing well with baby cereal and we will probably start baby food soon. If he is on our lap he can sit for a few seconds but I'd say it will be another month before he can actually sit and enjoy it.

Ryan is a cutie and I am so in love with him!!!

6 peas

It is exhausting trying to keep up with "6 peas in a pod" (the kristie passage family). We drove up to Beavercreek today so Connor could play with the girls and Ryan could have his other mother (maddie) watch him.
The twins are 8 days older than Ryan.

Monday, January 9, 2012

twinkle twinkle

laugh Ryan laugh

One of the funniest things Connor and Ryan do these days... Connor says "Laugh Ryan, laugh" and Ryan laughs...really hard. This isn't even close to how hard Ryan normally laughs.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

hat and slippers

I was looking back at the blog from when Connor was Ryan's age and we always had him in these monkey slippers. I went through storage boxes and FINALLY found the slippers...I also found a cute Buckeye hat I had forgotten about.

before church

This morning when we were looking our "Sunday best" we took some pics.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Ryan has now discovered that he has feet! He thinks it is hillarious to hold his feet. This morning Ryan was airplaning on the floor while Connor dug through my wallet.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Connor looked so cute sitting at the table eating a BIG muffin. I grabbed the camera, and well....he didn't want his picture taken.

winter wonderland

Not really, we got 1/4 an inch on Sunday so I took Connor out to use his present from Santa. Connor loved it and was really interested in the white stuff on his mittens.