It must be the sleep deprivation because I gave Connor permission to touch the baby so I could get some pictures. Connor was actually really cute and good it was Ryan that was fussy and not wanting a photo shoot.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
permission to touch
It must be the sleep deprivation because I gave Connor permission to touch the baby so I could get some pictures. Connor was actually really cute and good it was Ryan that was fussy and not wanting a photo shoot.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Both boys all day
Today was the first day home with BOTH boys...up until today Connor has been at daycare and I've had easy days home with little Ryan. It actually was a great day! I did have help, Ray worked from home so he could distract Connor if need be. Both boys napped in the afternoon so I got to nap too! Connor did melt down at Target in the check out aisle, but I'm not stressing about what stranges think of me or my kids.
Going forward I'll have both boys home with me Wednesday's and Friday's. I'm recovering nicely...haven't tried to pick up both at the same time yet but expect to be doing that sooner than later.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
More Blogs
Very excited to announce that we are going to be Aunt Jill & Uncle Ray! Kerry & Chris are expecting their first baby in March!!!!! We added their blog to the blogs we follow on the right hand side of this page. I also added college roommate Sarah McGarry's blog as she too is expecting.
Ray and I know our life is crazy right now but there is nothing like being a parent and the indescribable feeling of being a mom or dad is the best! Congrats to all our friends and family who are expecting :)
Ray and I know our life is crazy right now but there is nothing like being a parent and the indescribable feeling of being a mom or dad is the best! Congrats to all our friends and family who are expecting :)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
300th post
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Grandma Pat Visits
What day is it?
Being home everyday I am loosing track of days and know this maternity leave thing is going to be done with the snap of a finger. I'm going to post a lot of blog updates just to help myself remember what we have been up to. Connor so far is playing very nicely with Ryan and gives him lots of kisses on his head. The Ziegler family stopped by Saturday morning and Connor did an excellent job of sharing with Eileen.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
1 week old
Has it really been a week? Ryan went on Wednesday for his first pediatrician appointment. We were in there about 5 minutes, the dr just kept saying "he's doing great, do you have any questions?". He has already gained his birth weight back plus half an ounce...she couldn't believe that he wasn't a formula fed baby.
We got flowers from Ray's work, very pretty! The outfit is from Aunt Cynthia and Uncle Travie it says "little brother".
Grandma Pat comes tomorrow to meet her newest grandson.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Thanks Grammie
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Ryan Comes Home!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Happy Birthday Ryan!
I was induced Thursday 8/11/11
9:00 arrive at Christ Hospital
10:30 get hooked up with fluids and pitocin to induce labor
2:05 first contract I could feel, it was STRONG
2:45 get an epidural
Loved my epidural this time, could feel my legs the whole time and could tell when I was having a contraction.
6:30 started pushing
7:00 Dr. Allen came in
7:36 Ryan John Moorman entered this crazy world weighing in at 8 lbs 4.2 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long.
He is huge compared to peanut 6lbs 2ounce Connor at birth
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Mr Potato Head
With it being too hot to play outside we have been getting our fair share of Disney Movies in. Connor's favorite: toy story 1 and 2. One of the characters is Mr. Potato Head. Ray came home Saturday with a big Mr. Potato head and inside are 4 smaller potato heads. Connor slept with one of them Saturday night and another one Sunday for nap...he's in love.
The baby car seat is installed in the Pilot so we are now ready for this baby to come out.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
38 weeks
Monday, August 1, 2011
Ray and I feel so blessed to have Connor in our lives. Being a parent is the hardest job on the planet but also the best. Can't wait to meet baby #2! Here is Connor wearing a flip flop of mine and cheesing it up for the camera.
Hopefully this is my last belly picture. I'll be 38 weeks on Wednesday and go to Dr. Allen's office that day.
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