We spend Thanksgiving in Cleveland with Ray's family. Picture of Connor with Aunt Kerry & Uncle Chris (Chris' first chance at meeting him). Friday night Ray & I went to the Westlake 10 year High School reunion and Pat babysat.
Connor was home with me today and I made him cooked apples...yum! Ray had a guy come over and water proof the basement...step 1 of 30 to get the basement finished. Then tonight we put Connor in another pair of jammies...I think he's up to 8 pairs, they are just so cute we can't stop buying them.
We were starting to think Connor would never be able to do these things. Now that we have a 13 month old if you catch him in the right mood he can say "Mama, Dada, no no no, uh oh, bye bye". He can give a high five, wave bye and according to day care will blow kisses. *This is a new video, I had the wrong one of him up loaded on here...he wasn't doing anything in the last video, ha!