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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Last year we held Connor in our arms as we passed out candy. This year he wouldn't let us hold him. Maybe next year we will knock on a few doors. Overall great Halloween, hope yours was good as well!

Grandma Pat came to visit so we could have a date night!

Peak A Boo

Winter pj's are the cutest things ever! Connor out front showing off our green grass and using his cuteness for the good of our school district!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Connor loves to open and shut doors.

Chilly Weather

The morning and nights have been pretty chilly around here so we have been bundeling and unbundeling alot around here.

Birthday Cake

Here is Connor enjoying his first birthday cupcake. The next morning he had throw up all over his crib.
His stats at his doctors appt were: 21 pounds, 5 ounces and 29 inches tall. He was in the 25% for both.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Absolut Babies

Yesterday Julie and Kristie visited me (roomates from college). They brought with them baby Will (1 day older than Connor), Kalie (10 months) and Maddie (2 yrs old).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One Year Old

Our baby is one today! Thanks to all of our family for the presents :)Can't believe how fast the year went.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Trip to Reno

This past weekend I took Connor on his first air plane ride to see Grammie & Grampi. Connor continues to be a great traveler, sleeping most of the ride. One of the pictures is of Connor playing in the playground center at the Saltlake airport. Another of Connor at the pool (it was 98 every day) another of him meeting his first lobster. He wasn't really interested in the lobster, just at poking him in the eye.

Fall has arrived

We took Connor to a pumpkin patch by our house.