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Saturday, July 31, 2010


Look what I learned how to do on the 14 hour car ride.
At the lake Connor leared how to use his walker! He also stood without holding onto anyone or anything for the first time.

Summer Vacation At the Lake

We had a great time at Lake Okoboji. This being our first lake trip with Connor vacation was very different this year.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nick Jr.

Today Connor discoved that he loves Nick Jr.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Boy oh boy

Here are pictures from this week. Katie brought over Aidan (3) and Max (17 months) on Tuesday then Connor played outside with neighbor Sam (7 months) Friday. Katie made the shirt with the tie for Connor.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Grammie and Grampi's Visit

My mom and dad came to town this last weekend. They were busy building shelfs, organizing the basement, hanging curtains, pictures, reading stories, going on walks cutting the grass, going to Party in the Park...and SPOILING Connor.

9 months

I say it each month but it's true...where is the time going? Connor can now crawl, stand up, scoot around furniture and walk if he holds your hands. He's had a few bites of big boy food but doesn't seem all that interested. Connor now has his bottom two teeth and his top two front teeth are half way through. Uncle Travis says he will have 20 teeth by the time he's 2 so I guess we are in for a lot of "he's teething" moments.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th Of July

Grammie and Grampi are in town to help celebrate the nation's birthday.